Thursday, January 14, 2010

I love saving money!

I actually get a thrill out of it. I think its so much smarter than making money. If I could do anything, as a profession, for the rest of my life, I would save money. Not as in, keep it in the bank account and watch it grow. I mean save $5 on the cost of a bus ticket. It PAINS me when I waste money or I see others throwing it away. And especially for the really stupid stuff. Like one time I was with these three guys in the west end and instead of walking from Sopers hole to the ferry (1.5km tops) they insisted on taking a cab that cost us $3 each! I said I was going to walk but they gave me such a hard time about being a cheapskate that I buckled. My real friends know me well enough to assume I wouldn't, but other people I don't want them to think I'm a cheapskate. Probably from being called a cheapskate so often when I know I'm not. Just careful with my money. But back to the point, I'd love to MAKE money by saving, but that's impossible.

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