Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dear Diary

Just saw a really cool documentary about this guy in England who eats road kill. He's this bumbling old British man who wears nice shirts with owls on them and lives in a cozy cottage. His freezer is full of sea gulls, badgers, rabbits, etc that he's picked up off the highway. He drives an old car but isn't poor or starving. He just doesn't agree with the way food is produced today. He just doesn't want to eat conventional store-bought food when there's so much waste in the world and food is one of it. He dumpster dives and eats road kill and has dinner guests over occasionally. He prepares the food quite well and eats everything he can - eyes, brains, organs, bones if he can. It's all part of the presentation. He garnishes it and serves wine and salad and bread. He's really quite normal. He makes no other eco-excesses. He explains how he doesn't mind being on the fringe of society because he believes in what he does. He doesn't proclaim to be an evangelist he just sees leaving it a waste.

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